Small Factory Apps

1+1猜猜猜2 11.0
Small Factory
1+1猜猜猜2代推出囉!!更具有聯想力、更加趣味的題目!這是一款看圖片猜謎遊戲,題目由兩張圖片構成,玩家可依照圖片給與的提示或雙關語等去猜答案,趕緊來動動腦筋吧。遊戲特色:★ 完全免費玩!不花錢也可以享受動腦樂趣★ 更多豐富的梗,新鮮趣味不枯燥★ 親和的美術風格,最貼近大眾化的娛樂★ 請把你的聯想能力發揮到極致吧,題庫設計由淺而深,難易適中★ 題目逗趣、圖片可愛,不定期會更新擴充新題目★ 超過20種類的題目類型,變化多端,除了聯想還要具備觀察力★ 精心規劃在地化主題,更多好玩的梗等你來發現
Block Puzzle Plus 5.8
Small Factory
Block Puzzle Plus is an exciting puzzle game.It's not only a interesting game but also exercise your logic andorganization skills. Play with your friends now. you'll be hooked.How to play:‧ Drag the blocks to move them.‧ Try to fit them all in the gray tray.‧ Blocks can't be rotated.‧ No time limit!‧ Share with your friends and family :)Features:‧ Special level and blocks.‧ play games for FREE!‧ Pleasurable game for all ages and kids.‧ Over 500 levels.‧ Simple rules and easy to play.‧ Mix between Tetris and Tangrams (Pentomino)
成语大挑战 (简体版) 17.0
Small Factory
☆TOP1 GooglePlay「最新发布」排行榜单冠军!☆上架首月下载20万次☆10万笔评价,6万个五颗星评比☆国语日报、巴哈姆特电玩疯、自由时报等多家媒体热烈报导☆☆☆☆成语大挑战故事背景☆☆☆☆相传在中国古代各大名书院中,除了丰厚的藏书之外,亦堆着非常丰富的宝藏,古代智者为了不让外人觊觎,把这些珍宝以俗语「书中自有黄金屋」的比喻包装掉,意图将现实的宝藏意象淡化,企图引人不去妄想贪图,当然书中本身蕴含的深层知识是无形宝物,但有形的实体宝藏却真实存在于这些书院某些角落中……有一天,我们发现了这些书院的秘密,我们想设法取得这些珍宝进一步的讯息,但挡在宝物前的重重关卡,是一道又一道的成语谜题……☆☆☆☆ 成语大挑战游戏说明☆☆☆☆成语大挑战是「小小工厂」所开发的一款休闲益智的猜成语游戏,利用幽默的图像来解释中国各种传统的成语,不会像啃读课本、死背诗经那样的枯燥乏味,利用趣味的图形与文字组合,让玩家可以动动脑、猜猜谜,亦可和身边的朋友互相讨论解答,让你疯狂猜成语。不用长时间一定要打到破关,您可以在公车上、捷运上、吃饭时、睡觉前、上厕所时、等车时、无聊时……就开起来猜一下成语,本游戏以最佳化的效能,制作出最简单的玩法,我们将带给你惊喜,让大家知道原来成语知识也可以这样获取喔。☆☆☆☆ 成语大挑战游戏特色☆☆☆☆★每天登入,元宝不足300都会补充元宝喔!★可爱卡哇依到不行的各种题库图画,让人爱不释手。★猜猜猜,你是否能从图片上的含意,猜出正确的成语?★超过数百道成语题目,活像成语辞典,充满趣味和挑战。★看图猜成语,动动脑和身边朋友互相讨论,乐趣无穷。★Line群求救、脸书发文询问,解答不孤单。★每天分享,元宝不足300还可以免费领元宝。★猜题免费玩,辅助功能消除、提示、换题,帮你轻松闯关。★关卡推图,有闯关的趣味和数百道关卡的层层挑战★答题正确可获得元宝回馈,答对越多拿越多喔!若您在游戏上有任何的建议,欢迎到小小工厂粉丝团交流
A-Kuei block puzzle 1.0
Small Factory
A-Kuei block puzzle is an exciting puzzlegame. It's not only a interesting game but also exercise your logicand organization skills. Play with your friends now. you'll behooked.How to play:‧ Drag the blocks to move them.‧ Try to fit them all in the gray tray.‧ Blocks can rotated.‧ No time limit!‧ Share with your friends and family :)Features:‧ Special level and blocks.‧ play games for FREE!‧ Pleasurable game for all ages and kids.‧ Over 300 levels.‧ Simple rules and easy to play.‧ Mix between Tetris and Tangrams (Pentomino)
Sudoku World Cup New!(30000+) 25.0
Small Factory
Sudoku free is the most popular logic-based numbers game. The aimof the game is to place 1 to 9 into each grid cell so that eachnumber can only appear once in each row, each column and eachmini-grid. ★Completely free ★30000+ free puzzles to solve and play★With 5 difficulty levels for both beginner and stronger players.★Simple interface ★helps keep your brain sharp What are you waitingfor? Download Sudoku World Cup New!
Kpop Quiz:Guess the Kpop 19.0
Small Factory
Are you a big fans of KPOP? If yes, This application is theperfectfor you. See the image and guess the KPOP songs、groups andidols !The questions contains KPOP below: Gee,I Got A Boy, BangBang Bang,TT, Call ME Baby,Sorry Sorry,and many more.. FEATURES: ★hundredsof KPOP to guess! ★ High Quality of Graphics ★ 5 languagessupport!★ In-game hints system Have fun and get started Guessingthe KPOP.If you''re a KPOP lover and you like the game rate thegame by 5stars. and share it with your friends.
迷妹愛猜劇 7.0
Small Factory
Guess Korean Drama 7.0
Small Factory
See the image and guess the korean drama and actor
逃出地府 13.0
Small Factory
A piece of jade pendant connects yin and yang, and your decisionwill control her destiny.
Sudoku World Cup(15000+) 29
Small Factory
Sudoku is the most popular logic-based numbers game.12000+ freepuzzles to solve